UVA SWaM Supplier Expo
UVA SWaM Supplier Expo Dates: June 5 Location: University of Virginia Reps Available for Meetings: Matt East (SLED Account Manager) meast@thundercattech.com Erik Schroeder (SLED Account Manager)eschroeder@thundercattech.com
UVA SWaM Supplier Expo Dates: June 5 Location: University of Virginia Reps Available for Meetings: Matt East (SLED Account Manager) meast@thundercattech.com Erik Schroeder (SLED Account Manager)eschroeder@thundercattech.com
DOE Small Business Forum Dates: June 5-6 Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
ITS- NY 31st Annual Meeting and Technology Exhibition Dates: June 13-14 Location: Saratoga Springs, New York Reps Available for Meetings: Dustin Vanella (SLED Account Manager) dvanella@thundercattech.com
BNL Cyber Tech Day Date: June 18 Location: Upton, New York Reps Available for Meetings: Ken Hammer (Senior Account Executive) khammer@thundercattech.com
TechNet Cyber 2024 Dates: June 25-27 Location: Baltimore, Maryland Reps Available for Meetings: Vince Holtman (Director of FSI) vholtmann@thundercattech.com
DOE CyberCon Dates: July 29 - August 1 Location: Dallas, Texas Reps Available for Meetings: Josh Friedman jfriedman@thundercattech.com
BlackHat Dates: August 3-8 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Leidos Symposium Dates: August 6 Location: Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland Reps Available for Meetings: Vince Holtmann vholtmann@thundercattech.com
TechNet Augusta Dates: August 19-22 Location: Augusta, Georgia Reps Available for Meetings: Taylor Ham (Inside Sales Representative) tham@thundercattech.com
Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference Dates: August 25-28 Location: Roanoke, Virginia Reps Available for Meetings: Erik Schroeder eschroeder@thundercattech.com
Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium Date: September 11 Location: Richmond, Virginia
Virginia Association of Government Procurement Fall Conference Dates: October 20-22 Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia Reps Available for Meetings: Matt East (SLED Account Manager) meast@thundercattech.com Erik Schroeder (SLED Account Manager) eschroeder@thundercattech.com
When thinking about the use of artificial intelligence in government, it is important to consider its tactical and strategic impacts, together and separately. While much attention is being paid to ways to harness the power of AI, equally important are questions of safety and transparency, and the balance of collaboration between government and industry to…
Alamo ACE Dates: November 18 - 21 Location: San Antonio, Texas Reps Available for Meetings: Vince Holtmann vholtmann@thundercattech.com
Christopher Newport University SWaM Fair Dates: November 21 Location: Christopher Newport University Reps Available for Meetings: Matt East meast@thundercattech.com Erik Schroeder eschroeder@thundercattech.com
Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium Dates: February 10-13 Location: Colorado Springs, CO Reps Available for Meetings: Vince Holtmann vholtmann@thundercattech.com